It is disheartening to watch the news and see aging politicians—many in their late seventies and eighties—clinging to power while claiming to serve the people who supposedly elected them. These so-called representatives would do the nation a great service by stepping down from politics. They do not remain in office to serve the public; rather, they view politics as a means of personal enrichment.
Outside of politics, they would fade into obscurity, having little to show for their decades—sometimes half a century—spent in office. Like leeches, they cling to power, draining the system for as long as possible. These career politicians have played a significant role in driving the nation’s debt to approximately $36 trillion, a figure that continues to rise by $6.6 billion per day.
Oblivious to the financial burden they are placing on future generations, these political opportunists remain entrenched in their positions, showing callous disregard for fiscal responsibility. They vilify those who seek to bring positive change, branding them as threats to the nation simply because they challenge the status quo.
One of the most glaring flaws of this group is their refusal to acknowledge the contributions of others. Instead of recognizing integrity and patriotism, they demonize honest individuals, often with the help of a corrupt media that amplifies their baseless accusations. Without any real evidence, these media allies smear those who expose political corruption, protecting those entrenched in power.
Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) and Musk Derangement Syndrome (MDS)
A growing issue among political activists afflicted by these syndromes is their apparent loss of rationality, leading them to oppose America’s success without even realizing it. Their hostility becomes evident through their relentless attacks on President Trump, Elon Musk, and their enterprises. These conditions are so severe that they warrant serious attention. The extreme language and expletive-laden rhetoric used against these figures highlight a deep-rooted bias that should be critically examined.
President Trump is the greatest enemy of this entrenched political class. It is difficult to pinpoint exactly what about him irks them so much. Among all politicians currently in public office, he is the only one who has risked his wealth, reputation, and personal well-being to serve the people. Instead of aligning with him to advance the nation’s interests, they see him as their greatest foe—someone to be destroyed at all costs. The political establishment has used every available means to attack him—politically, financially, socially, and even physically. Yet, after exhausting all their schemes, they see him standing strong, and their frustration manifests in unrestrained outbursts of expletives and irrational rage. It is sad to witness such degeneracy and immaturity in the public service arena—a true curse on our society.
Now, they have turned their attacks on Elon Musk, falsely accusing him of theft. At the President’s address to a Joint Session of Congress in February, some members of Congress were seen holding placards reading “Musk Steals.” This accusation is beyond absurd. Musk is the world’s richest man, worth approximately $400 billion—what could he possibly need to steal, and from where? No one can answer that question, yet the smear campaign continues.
Ironically, those making these accusations are the very people exploiting the U.S. Treasury to fund pet projects in exchange for political contributions. Now, as Musk audits the books, exposing overspending and working to curb financial mismanagement, their outrage has reached a fever pitch. Their anger manifests as uncontrollable vitriol, proving that they are afflicted with Musk Derangement Syndrome (MDS).
These individuals, suffering from both TDS and MDS, have no place in public service. They should all be voted out—regardless of their age. They are like cancer cells, multiplying and spreading until the host is on the verge of death. If left unchecked, they will continue to deteriorate the system. Just as cancer requires treatment—whether through removal or aggressive therapy—so too must these corrupt politicians be excised from power. They despise those who seek to reform the system, for they fear exposure. But unless this political rot is addressed, the nation will suffer a premature collapse.
Trump and Musk are not the problem. They are the doctors attempting to treat a terminally ill nation drowning in insurmountable debt. They do not ask for payment for their service, yet they are vilified by the very people whose corruption they seek to expose. The entrenched political establishment fears the light they shine on their misdeeds and will fight tooth and nail to prevent transparency. However, calling the doctor names does not change the diagnosis. A mentally ill patient may scream expletives at their psychiatrist, but that does not mean the doctor should abandon their duty.
Politicians who prioritize self-interest over public service and disdain those who truly work for the nation’s well-being should be removed by the electorate. Unfortunately, many of these lifelong politicians remain in office under highly questionable circumstances. This is a curse upon a society that upholds moral values and democratic ideals. Unless corruption in our electoral process is rooted out, these political parasites will remain, much like vultures clinging to a carcass.
The Decline of Political Decorum
Some members of the House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate have lost all sense of decorum. Their unchecked tongues unleash profane language against their opponents—language more suited to street gangs than to the halls of Congress. Men and women elected to represent the people should at least maintain a degree of dignity, setting an example for their constituents. Instead, they behave like unruly children, hurling vulgarities in public forums. Such individuals have no place in the chambers of government.
There must be accountability for those who spew hatred and engage in verbal assaults. While the First Amendment protects free speech, hate speech and inflammatory rhetoric should be recognized as a threat to societal order. Those who engage in it should be held accountable, as their words contribute to division and instability.
President Trump has won the popular mandate, and he has welcomed Elon Musk’s voluntary assistance in rooting out corruption from the system. The establishment may despise this effort, but that does not mean it should cease. Trump and Musk are working for the nation and its future generations. Their sacrifices, determination, and commitment to truth should be recognized and admired—not condemned by those who fear exposure.
God Bless America.