Anadi Naik
It has come to light that before the BJP government came to power in India some of the Party supporters used the Internet to spread hate messages along with misinformation. During the election period, political Parties try everything in their bag to win. Ordinarily, this effort of theirs would not have been seen as any different. An enthusiastic supporter making an exaggerated claim would have been a normal thing. But it was not. Because of the fact that Facebook and what’s app reach so many people, a small exaggeration picks up speed as it rolls and spreads like wildfire. In this case, the misinformation caused riots at different places and people died. Needless to say, many of the BJP supporters are wedded to the idea that India should be a Hindu land. They get their inspiration from Pakistan which calls itself a Muslim country. Therefore, the followers of BJP want to declare India as a Hindu country. However, such a mindset does not understand the true spirit of being an Indian. Nor does it take into consideration the reality of the modern world. 13% of India’s population calls itself Muslim. They have rights and their rights – like everybody else’s – must be protected. Spreading hateful messages on a wider scale against them becomes counterproductive. For India such efforts become dangerous. There is a reason why it happens.
Because of India’s caste system, many are convinced of their superior status. While the people at the lower level of the caste system are now trying to move upward, those who are in the higher position feel threatened. On the one hand, the government of a democratic India is committed to helping the people at the lower level. On the other hand Government’s effort upsets the apple cart of a social system that has been practiced for ages. The fear of the upper castes is also a matter of concern. In spite of all the development work over the years, the people at the top have always managed to get the bigger share of the development. Now the lower people are catching up thanks to widely spread education among them. The result of this push and pull has been the perpetual conflict among different groups. BJP is well known for being a party of the upper caste and small traders. By spreading misinformation and hate ruins the fabric of India that holds the country together. Loving India while hating its people does not make BJP a party of the patriots.
Many countries look at India with hope. Its democracy encourages them. They want to follow India’s pattern. That in spite of all the socio-economic problems the country stands as a strong democracy surprises them. However, democracy as a system now is in danger around the world. Elected in a democratic way, many strong people are not willing to leave their positions. They continue to rule by force. Through sham elections, they try to legitimize their unwelcome stay. Their methods, however, ruin the spirit of democracy. By habit, their people just continue to follow the strong man at the top.
The reality is that India is surrounded by neighbors who are not happy with it. Any position it gets at the United Nations some of them see it as a threat to them. They try to present India in a negative way. BJP’s propaganda of hate only strengthens their hand. Islam is practiced by the second largest population in the world. India is friendly with the Muslim world. It maintains a good working relationship with them. Every Muslim in India should be considered as an ambassador to the people of those countries. Their personal stories as Muslims in a Hindu-dominated country would tell the story of ”liberty, equality and fraternity” practiced in India. That would bring India more friends in a hostile environment.
Anadi Naik’s books SONG OF SATAN, NINETEENTH OF NOVEMBER, BLOWN AWAY, A MAN OF HUMILITY are available at Barnes and Noble and WWW.amazon.com. Please ask your local library if it carries any of these books